Graph Drawing Contest

Call for Participation

The 2tth Annual Graph Drawing Contest shall be held in conjunction with the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and network Visualization (GD 2018).

The contest has two parts: the Creative Topics and the Live Challenge.

Creative Topics

The creative topics are provided a year in advance and focus on free-form visualisation of specific graphs. Two graphs are provided, and participants are invited to submit any drawings of one or both of the graphs. The submissions will be judged by the contest committee during the symposium. This year's topics are the Game of Thrones graph, and the Mathematics Genealogy Project graph.

For details, see here.

Live Challenge

The live challenge will be held during the conference in a format similar to a typical programming contest, where teams are presented with a collection of challenge graphs and have approximately one hour to submit their highest scoring drawings. This year the challenge will focus on maximizing the angles between crossing edges in straight-line embeddings. The tool is available online.

For details, see here.


Thanks to our generous sponsors, a monetary prize will be handed out to the best submission in each of the following four categories:

  • Creative Topics: Game of Thrones
  • Creative Topics: Mathematics Genealogy Project
  • Live Challenge: Automatic Category
  • Live Challenge: Manual Category

Contest Committee

Philipp Kindermann
University of Waterloo
Maarten Löffler
Utrecht University
Ignaz Rutter
TU Eindhoven

Will Devanny
UC Irvine